
Research Publications


  1. Koparde, P., Payra, A. and Deshpande, A., 2025. Odonata diversity in the timescape of Pune district adjoining the Western Ghats Biodiversity hotspot. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, pp.1-13.
  2. Payra, A., Philip, J.G., Bhatt, C. and Koparde, P., 2025. Purple Bush-Bean Macroptilium atropurpureum (Fabaceae): a new larval host plant for Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius)(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in South Asia. Israel Journal of entomology54, pp.1-4.


  1. Chandran, A.V., Chandran, R., Jose, S., Payra, A. and Koparde, P., 2024. Melanoneura agasthyamalaica sp. n. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from the Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Odonatology27, pp.213-226.
  2. Kulkarni, A., Tripathi, R., Koparde, P. and Sudhikumar, A.V., 2024. A new species of Okinawicius Prószyński, 2016 (Araneae: Salticidae: Chrysillini) from the Deccan Plateau, Maharashtra, India. Arachnology19(9), pp.1172-1176.
  3. VC, A., Chandran, R., SS, R., Jose, S.K. and Koparde, P., 2024. Description of Phylloneura rupestris sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from the Western Ghats, India with notes on its reproductive behavior. International Journal of Odonatology, 27: pp. 26-36.
  4. Mukherjee, S., Gawari, A.R., Pillai, K., Koparde, P., Karunakaran, P.V. and Khanolkar, N., 2024. Diet of Rusty-spotted Cat Prionailurus rubiginosus (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831)(Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa16(5), pp.25129-25136.
  5. Chalke, P. and Koparde, P., Losing the Carbon Game? Changing Face of a Tropical Smart Metro City and its Repercussions on Carbon Sequestration, Heat and Flood Mitigation Capacity. Changing Face of a Tropical Smart Metro City and its Repercussions on Carbon Sequestration, Heat and Flood Mitigation Capacity. Pre-print available at SSRN.


  1. Kapadi, P., Ram, M., Sahu, A., Koparde, P. and Jhala, L.S., 2023. Odonata assemblage of the Gir National Park with three additional records for Gujarat state, India. Notulae odonatologicae10(2), pp.31-37.
  2. Lele, A., Arasumani, M., Vishnudas, C.K., Koparde, P., Joshi, V. and Robin, V.V., 2023. Ecological niche modelling reveals an elevated threat status for the Nilgiri Pipit (Anthus nilghiriensis). Journal of Ornithology, pp.1-13.
  3. Darshetkar, A., Patwardhan, A. and Koparde, P., 2023. A comparison of four sampling techniques for assessing species richness of adult odonates at riverbanks. Journal of Threatened Taxa15(1), pp.22471-22478.
  4. Payra, A., Chandran, R., Deshpande, A. and Koparde, P., 2023. Description of Protosticta armageddonia sp. nov. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from the Western Ghats of India. International Journal of Odonatology, 26, pp.93-102.
  5. Payra, A., Tiple, A.D. and Koparde, P., 2023. First descriptions of the females of Cyclogomphus heterostylus Selys, 1854 and Ictinogomphus distinctus Ram, 1985 from India, with comments on the status of Cyclogomphus wilkinsi Fraser, 1926 (Odonata: Gomphidae). Zootaxa, 5319(3), pp.421-428.
  6. Payra, A., Deshpande, A. and Koparde, P., 2023. New spatial records of three Odonata species from the Western Ghats, India (Coenagrionidae, Aeshnidae). Amurian Zoological Journal15(4), pp.847-853.
  7. Payra, A., Deshpande, A. and Koparde, P., Northernmost records of two endemic odonates Protosticta sanguinostigma Fraser, 1922 and Idionyx saffronatus Fraser, 1924 from the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. SPIXIANA, 45(2), pp.249-253.


  1. Bharathi, D. and Koparde, P., 2022. Records of Dragonflies & Damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) from Gondia district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics8(3), pp.379-387.
  2. Payra, A., Deshpande, A. and Koparde, P., 2022. Up and above: Northernmost records of Macromidia donaldi donaldi (Fraser, 1924) and Merogomphus longistigma (Fraser, 1922) from the Western Ghats of India (Odonata: Synthemistidae: Gomphidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina81(2).
  3. Nayak, S., Karande, S. & Koparde, P. (2022). Whose Hoot? Identification of Owl Species Using Call Recognition with Neural Networks (January 28, 2022). Available at SSRN:


  1. Koparde, P., Halali, S. Tiple, A., Rangnekar P., Sonawane, A., Payra, A., Dawn, P., Raju, A & K.A. Subramanian (2021). Lost in time: Re-description and ecological re-assessment of two Indian endemic Elattoneura damselflies. International Journal of Odonatology, 82-94.
  2. Mujumdar, N., Deshpande, A., Dawn, P. & P. Koparde (2021). Notes on oviposition behavior of three Elattoneura (Odonata: Platycnemididae) from India. Notulae Odonatologica, 9(8): 344-352.


  1. Mujumdar, N., D. Sawant, A. Sumanapala, P. Rangnekar & P. Koparde (2020). Rapid multi-taxa assessment around Dhamapur Lake (Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India) using citizen science reveals significant odonate records. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(13): 16795–16818.
  2. Jere, A., Darshetkar, A., Patwardhan, A. & P. Koparde (2020). Assessing the response of odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) to a tropical urbanization gradient. Journal of Urban Ecology 6(1): juaa029


  1. Koparde, P., Mehta, P., Mukherjee, S. and Robin, V.V. (2019). Quaternary Climatic Fluctuations and Resulting Climatically Suitable Areas for Eurasian Owlets. Ecology & Evolution 00: 1-11.
  2. Koparde, P., Dawn, P. and Darshetkar, A. (2019). Odonates across a tropical urbanization gradient (Mula River, Pune, Maharashtra, India). International Dragonfly Fund – Report 128: 1-13. 


  1. Koparde, P., Mehta, P., Reddy, S., Ramakrishnan, U., Mukherjee, S., Robin, V.V. (2018). The Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti is Nested within the Currently Recognized Athene Clade: A Century-old Debate Addressed. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192359.
  2. Mujumdar, N., Thakuria, D., Halali, D., Koparde, P. (2018). Observations on Underwater Oviposition in Pseudagrion indicum (Odonata: Coenagrionidae): An Endemic Species from the Western Ghats. Halters 9: 39-44.
  3. Koparde, P., Dawn, P., Sumanapala, A. (2018). Islands are calling: Short expedition to the Andaman Islands reveals five new spatial records and research gaps. Agrion 22(1): 37-41. 


  1. Koparde, P. and Yesou, P. (2017). Probable hybrids Little Egret x Indian Reef Heron in India and Sri Lanka. Dutch Birding 39: 238-246.


  1. Koparde, P., Raote, N. (2016). Areas of avian richness across an urban-rural setting: A case study of selected water-bodies from Pune, India. Indian BIRDS 12(2&3): 50-55. 
  2. Koparde, P. (2016). Damsels in distress – seasons, habitat structure and water pollution changes damselfly diversity and assemblage in urban wetlands. Animal Biology 66(3-4): 305-319.


  1. Koparde, P., Mhaske, P., Patwardhan, A. (2015). Habitat correlates of Odonata species diversity in the northern Western Ghats, India. Odonatologica, 44(1/2):21-43. Odonata Paper II
  2. Tiple, A., Koparde, P. (2015). Odonata of Maharashtra, India with notes on species distribution. Journal of Insect Science, 15(1):47-57. Odonata of MS
  3. Koparde, P., Mhaskar, M., Mhaske, P., Patwardhan, A. (2015). Spatial distribution and habitat correlates of Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon (Columba elphinstonii) in North Western Ghats, India. TAPROBANICA, 7(1):20-28. NGP in NWGs


  1. Koparde, P., Mhaske, P., Patwardhan, A. (2014). New Records of Dragonflies & Damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 6(5):5744-5754. Odonata Paper I
  2. Mukherjee, A., Koparde, P. (2014). Sighting of Rusty-spotted Cat in Anaikatty Reserve Forest, Tamil Nadu, India. 60:32. RSC Note & Supplementary figure 


  1. Koparde, P., & Manchi Shirish, S. (2013). Avifaunal Records from Chalis Ek, North Andaman Island: Insights into Distribution of Some Andaman Island Birds. Check List, 9(1), 034-041. Andaman Paper
  2. Padhye, A., …., Koparde P., …., Patwardhan, A. (2013). Butterflies of northern Western Ghats: a compilation of checklists. Ela Journal, 2(1), 3-22. Butterfly Paper
  3. Koparde P., Patil, P. (2013). Occurence Records of few Wetland Birds and Birds of Prey from Nashik, Maharashtra, India. SACON ENVIS Newsletter, 9(2):1-2. Occurence Records Paper


  1. Koparde P., Patil P., Sawarkar P., Shindikar M. (2012). Birds from ashes: Birdlife at flyash ponds of NTPS, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. 2012. SACON ENVIS Newsletter, 8(1), 2-5. Fly Ash Pond Paper
  2. Ahiwale S., Koparde P., Deore P., Gunale V., Kapadnis B. P. (2012). Bacteriophage Based Technology for Disinfection of Different Water Systems. In Microorganisms in Environmental Management (pp. 289-313). Springer, Netherlands. Bacteriophage Chapter


  1. Koparde P., Singh, S. (2011). Avian influenza and micro RNA: Role of bioinformatics. Journal of  Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis, 3(2), 12-22. AI Review


  1. Koparde P., Singh, S. (2010). Prediction of micro RNAs against H5N1 and H1N1 NS1 Protein: a Window to Sequence Specific Therapeutic Development. Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics, 1: 104. doi: 10.4172/2153-0602.1000104. AI Paper

Popular Science Articles


  1. Koparde, P. (2020). Hoot & Zen. Planet Untamed 2.1 January 2020. pp. 73-76. 
  2. Koparde, P., Mujumdar, N., Rangnekar, P., Sumanapala, A. (2020). 6th DragonflySouthAsia MeetingAgrion pp. 10-13 


  1. Koparde, P. (2019). The gaon connection of dragonflies. Published on 8 December 2019
  2. Koparde, P. (2019). Say No to Firefly Festival, Period. Published on India’s Endangered on 31 May 2019


  1. Koparde P., Ranganekar P., Subramanian K.A., Andrew R.J. (2018). Chasing dragonflies at the 4th DragonflyIndia Meeting and 9th Indian Symposium of Odonatology 2017. Agrion 22(1): 22-27. 
  2. Khan Z., Koparde P., Antony P., Koli K., Neema A. (2018). The Long Awaited CallSACON Newsletter 15(2): 4-5. 


  1. Koparde P. (2017). Forest Jewels – The abundant, uncommon and rarePlanet Untamed APRIL: 40-46. 
  2. Koparde P. (2017). God’s own ruby lost in the mud-lands. Guest Blog Post on <> 


  1. Koparde P., Choudhary P. (2016). A road to kill. SACON Newsletter 13(2): 4-6. 
  2. Barve V., Koparde P., Roy A.B., Dawn P. (2016). DragonflyIndia: A vibrant community of Odonata lovers from Indian Subcontinent. PARTHENOS April: 34-35.


  1. Koparde P. (2015). Let the Owlet hoot. SACON Newsletter 12(1):3-4. 
  2. Koparde P. (2015). Sharing and Conserving – Species and Spaces. Sarovar Saurabh 11(1):1-2. 
  3. Andrew R., Koparde P., Subramanian K.A. (2015). The 8th Symposium on Indian Odonatology and Tropical Biodiversity. Agrion 19(2): 32-35. 


  1. Koparde P. (2014). Of dragons and damsels. SAEVUS (OCTOBER): 15. 
  2. Koparde P., Bangal P., Grouw H. (2014). Brown Kites and White Crows: Understanding color aberrations in birds. HORNBILL (JULY-SEPTEMBER):10-13.


  1. Koparde P. (2013). Butterflies Ringing Yellow Bells. SACON Newsletter 10(3):3-4. 
  2. Koparde P. (2013). From Doodling to Modelling: Changing Research Trends Detected through SCCS. SACON Newsletter 10(3): 6.